Inspired by Brandon LaBelle's _Sonic Agency_ (2018), I wanted to make a sound installation that explores the political potential of the use of sound as a medium - to control or be controlled - as an immersive experience. The setup of the installation reflects aspects of public speaking spaces and draws on Alvin Lucier's seminal piece "I am sitting in a room" (1969). It invites the audience to actively engage and co-create the work by reading the text while distracted by previous recordings. The obstacles occurring in this activity require participants to concentrate on reading the material designed to evoke feelings of empowerment.
The installation was developed as part of Petra Klusmeyer's Sound and Research-Creation project at the University of the Arts Bremen and presented during Open House (Hochschultage) 2023. Thanks to Jukka Boehm for technical and coding support and Hsun Hsiang Hsu for photographs.